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最近,《Hands-on Scala Programming》的作者李浩毅在程序员圈子引发热议。原来他就是新加坡总理李显龙的儿子。


据公开信息显示,李浩毅出于 1989 年,毕业于 MIT,计算机科学和工程学位。他是 Scala 社区的主要贡献者。

李浩毅的个人网站上自称,其开源项目在 Github 上有超过 10,000 Star,每个月的下载次数超过 7,000,000 次。自称擅长用 Scala 来构建分布式后端系统、高性能web 应用程序等。





他在英国剑桥大学三一学院修读数学,1973 年拿过数学尖子生「Senior Wrangler」头衔,1974 年荣获数学一等荣誉及计算机科学文凭(优异)。

2015 年 5 月,李显龙曾经在一次创业者论坛上透露,他最后编写的程序是一个解决数独问题的程序。


#include "stdio.h"
int InBlock[81], InRow[81], InCol[81];
const int BLANK = 0;const int ONES = 0x3fe;   // Binary 1111111110
int Entry[81];  // Records entries 1-9 in the grid, as the corresponding bit set to 1int Block[9], Row[9], Col[9];  // Each int is a 9-bit array
int SeqPtr = 0;int Sequence[81];
int Count = 0;int LevelCount[81];

void SwapSeqEntries(int S1, int S2){     int temp = Sequence[S2];     Sequence[S2] = Sequence[S1];     Sequence[S1] = temp;}

void InitEntry(int i, int j, int val){   int Square = 9 * i + j;   int valbit = 1 << val;     int SeqPtr2;
     // add suitable checks for data consistency        Entry[Square] = valbit;   Block[InBlock[Square]] &= ~valbit;   Col[InCol[Square]] &= ~valbit; // Simpler Col[j] &= ~valbit;   Row[InRow[Square]] &= ~valbit; // Simpler Row[i] &= ~valbit;
     SeqPtr2 = SeqPtr;     while (SeqPtr2 < 81 && Sequence[SeqPtr2] != Square)           SeqPtr2++ ;
     SwapSeqEntries(SeqPtr, SeqPtr2);     SeqPtr++;}

void PrintArray(){     int i, j, valbit, val, Square;     char ch;          Square = 0;
     for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {         if (i % 3 == 0) putc('\n', stdout);         for (j = 0; j < 9; j++) {             if (j % 3 == 0) putc(' ', stdout);             valbit = Entry[Square++];             if (valbit == 0) ch = '-';             else {                 for (val = 1; val <= 9; val++)                     if (valbit == (1 << val)) {                        ch = '0' + val;                        break;                     }             }             putc(ch,stdout);         }         putc ('\n', stdout);     }}

void ConsoleInput(){     int i, j;     char InputString[80];
     for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {         printf("Row[%d] : ", i + 1);         scanf("%s", InputString);
         for (j = 0; j < 9; j++) {             char ch = InputString[j];             if (ch >= '1' && ch <= '9')                InitEntry(i, j, ch - '0');         }     }

void PrintStats(){    int i, j, S;
    printf("\nLevel Counts:\n\n");
    S = 0;    while (LevelCount[S] == 0) S++;
    i = 0;
    while (S < 81) {          int Seq = Sequence[S];          printf("(%d, %d):%4d ", Seq / 9 + 1, Seq % 9 + 1, LevelCount[S]);          if (i++ > 4){             printf("\n");             i = 0;          }          S++;    }
    printf("\n\nCount = %d\n", Count);}

void Succeed(){     PrintArray();     PrintStats();}

int NextSeq(int S){    int S2, Square, Possibles, BitCount;    int T, MinBitCount = 100;
    for (T = S; T < 81; T++) {        Square = Sequence[T];        Possibles = Block[InBlock[Square]] & Row[InRow[Square]] & Col[InCol[Square]];        BitCount = 0;        while (Possibles) {           Possibles &= ~(Possibles & -Possibles);           BitCount++;        }
        if (BitCount < MinBitCount) {           MinBitCount = BitCount;           S2 = T;        }    }
    return S2;}

void Place(int S){    LevelCount[S]++;    Count++;
    if (S >= 81) {       Succeed();       return;    }
    int S2 = NextSeq(S);    SwapSeqEntries(S, S2);
    int Square = Sequence[S];
    int   BlockIndex = InBlock[Square],      RowIndex = InRow[Square],      ColIndex = InCol[Square];
    int   Possibles = Block[BlockIndex] & Row[RowIndex] & Col[ColIndex];    while (Possibles) {          int valbit = Possibles & (-Possibles); // Lowest 1 bit in Possibles          Possibles &= ~valbit;          Entry[Square] = valbit;          Block[BlockIndex] &= ~valbit;          Row[RowIndex] &= ~valbit;          Col[ColIndex] &= ~valbit;                  Place(S + 1);
          Entry[Square] = BLANK; // Could be moved out of the loop          Block[BlockIndex] |= valbit;          Row[RowIndex] |= valbit;          Col[ColIndex] |= valbit;  }
    SwapSeqEntries(S, S2);}

int main(int argc, char* argv[]){  int i, j, Square;
  for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)    for (j = 0; j < 9; j++) {      Square = 9 * i + j;      InRow[Square] = i;      InCol[Square] = j;      InBlock[Square] = (i / 3) * 3 + ( j / 3);    }

  for (Square = 0; Square < 81; Square++) {        Sequence[Square] = Square;    Entry[Square] = BLANK;        LevelCount[Square] = 0;    }
  for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)    Block[i] = Row[i] = Col[i] = ONES;
    ConsoleInput();    Place(SeqPtr);    printf("\n\nTotal Count = %d\n", Count);
  return 0;}



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